Find a job you love and…

Back in November, I interviewed my friend Eilon Paz about his photography book Dust & Grooves: Adventures in Record Collecting for Medium.

Dust and Grooves shout out

I’m reminded of it every few weeks, when Medium (thanks, guys!) sends me an email letting me know that more people have read and shared it.

The article was a ton of fun to “research” (on a bench in Red Hook on a sunny autumn day, with bags of candy), and to write, and it’s become probably the most-read thing I’ve ever published.

Maybe there’s a lesson in that?

The Good Life

Today just got a lot… gooder!

The Everybody’s Invited Guide to the Good Life is here.

My excellent friend Hannah Kane (both of the aforementioned creative party planning troupe and of the genius Scrum Your Wedding) asked me if I would edit this very practical yet properly whimsical how-to for living more luscious, thrilling, and satisfying days and nights. Only a miserable grump would have taken a pass.

Here’s an excerpt:

If your reaction to the words ‘mindfulness’ and ‘meditation’ is a gigantic eyeroll, try to bury your skepticism for a minute. Meditation can help reduce pain, depression, and anxiety, for realsies. And it doesn’t require that you be on a spiritual journey (though it’s fine if you are)—it works because meditation is simply mastering the art of paying attention, and there’s nothing woo-woo about that.

The guide is packed tip to tail with real-talk suggestions, “Dropping Science” proofs in the sidebars, and interesting activities with names like “It’s your funeral” and “Anticipation Horizon.”

Halloween 2014

Living the good life: Not just for Halloween anymore (photo courtesy Natalya Bagrova)

Also, the guide appears to have debuted on the Internets as a free download, which would be just like those altruistic Oregonians.

I must urge anyone who could use even a dash more play, surprise, and adventure in their existence to grab a copy.

And let me know how you like it!